Sunday 22 February 2015

Best Summer Ever - Part 1

The two teenagers set in the car as the girl's mother chatted way, they glanced at each other and suppressed a smirk, Jennifer's mom could definitely talk.

Andy and Jennifer went way back, they'd known each other from church and school as long as they remembered. Always friendly but never really close they still knew to let Mrs Turner chat away until she'd finished.

"...California will be FANTASTIC," she said "you'll have the best summer ever"

At this Andy's ears pricked up "Weird, that's exactly what Mary said to me."

Mrs Turner frowned not liking they way Andy referred to his stepmom by her first name "Your stepmom is very good to you, you just make sure you are good for your Aunt Christy".

"I will Mrs Turner, a summer in California? There's no way I am going to do anything to mess this up." replied Andy

Jennifer sighed "A chance would be a fine thing."

Andy looked up, it was easy to get wrapped up in his own plans. He knew Jennifer had been having a rough time at school recently. Never really one of the glamourous set, she'd been quite sporty until the last 18 months when she'd blossomed into quite a buxom girl.

Andy suspected that was the main reason for her becoming more withdrawn, the girls bullied and bitched out of jealousy whilst the guys just saw her as a pair of breasts on legs.

A pang of guilt flashed across his mind, he'd joined in the lewd conversations behind her back, he didn't want to single himself himself out from the gang but he knew better than that, Jennifer deserved better.

Never the one at the centre of the group, Andy was torn between going with the flow or letting the others go and do whatever dumb idea they dreamt up next. It was great getting invited to the parties but more and more he could feel trouble looming. Drunken pranks, scuffles and brush with the local law were seen as a good Friday night by some but things were getting a little bit out of hand.

A few weeks back they'd been pulled over by the cops and one of the guys had some pot on them, his stepmom had called in favours and smoothed things over without his dad finding out and Andy was eternally grateful. "Officer if you think he's in trouble NOW just wait 'til I get him home." were Mary's words.

Mary was pretty good to him and certainly great for his dad but she was so angry with him over that. The plans for Mary's dream Pacific cruise hinged on David, his dad, not worrying too much about leaving him alone over the summer. A drugs bust was certainly going to derail that and so he was being packed off to 'Aunt' Christy in California.

He'd met Aunt Christy (as she insisted on being called) at Mary & David's wedding. She was a very imposing presence. Commanding and demanding but still good fun, he's also met her adopted daughter, Casey, who had quickly dragged Andy off to a backroom and initiated some pretty hot making out (Andy's best sexual experience to date).

"Yeah, things could be worse." he thought as the Turner's car pulled up at the airport. A quick hug from Jennifer (breasts crushing against his chest) and a peck on the cheek from Mrs Turner and he was on his way

Best summer ever? You never know.

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