Tuesday 28 July 2015

Lost in Fashion - Part 1

Amanda looked at Jennifer crying and smiled inwardly to herself. She had observed her financial situation deteriorating as the months went by...Her scholarship had failed to arrive and she had no money with which to pay her tuition fees let alone her rent and food.

Jennifer was a smart student, she'd started off with top grades but as the stress of having no money began to take it's toll her scores had slipped, now weeks into her second term the college and her landlord were chasing her for their money....money Jennifer didn't have.

Amanda had lusted after Jennifer since she first met her back in September...She would never have problems like that, she was from a hugely wealthy background. In truth college was just a stepping stone for her pre-ordained career path. Her family connections would always see her right. Fashion design was just a hobby for her and a way to climb socially. Jennifer was a real talent but was in danger of losing it all.

Amanda had done some digging around Jennifer, she was from a poor family who'd made a lot of sacrifices to get their daughter this far.

She also knew Jennifer's secret....she'd discovered Jennifer's secret twitter account, the one she thought no-one else knew about....the one where she chatted to dominatrixes and erotica writers. Yes, Jennifer had hidden depths and Amanda was going to use them.

She sat down next to Jennifer and stroked her back as her friend sobbed. She knew Jennifer didn't have many friends simply because she couldn't afford to socialise....this was going to be perfect.

"Jenny" she said softly "I take it there is still no sign of the scholarship......well I have an idea"

She let Jennifer compose herself.

"How about if you move into my apartment....I know you can't afford to pay rent but you could cook and clean and stuff.....You'd be my little maid and I'd be able to pay you and that could help meet your tuition fees.....I mean so what if I'd be your boss but it'd be criminal if you dropped off the course. You are too talented."

She hugged the crying girl crushing her full breasts against her and then kissed her on the head

"Please think about it"

Jennifer blinked the tears out of her eyes and looked up at her friend. She thought the idea was a bit peculiar, but she chalked it up to Amanda being quite wealthy. Amanda was one of her only friends at collage and it was really touching that she offered. Her first thoughts were to jump at the offer, but she remained a bit apprehensive. She wanted her independence then she remembered how bleak her situation would be if she refused.

She dabbed at some wetness in her eyes, "Are you sure?" She sniffled and tried to breathe.

It would be a comfortable existence to not have to worry about a landlord and live in an expansive apartment with such a good friend.

"I promise I won't stay long, just until I can find more work to get back on my feet and out of your apartment." She tried to force the corners of her mouth upward into a smile, even though she still felt rotten.

Jennifer gave Amanda another tight hug, enjoying her body's warmth.

"I'll do anything and everything you want me to do! You're doing me the such a big favour." She squeezed the other girl tighter, feeling more and more like it wasn't the end of the road for her.

Jennifer only hoped Amanda wasn't kidding "I love you for helping me..." Jennifer whispered more to herself than Amanda.
Amanda smiled as Jennifer hugged her, she revelled in the closeness and the intimacy. Jenny's desperation was going to be her undoing but Amanda had decided to go down this path and generally in life Amanda got what she wanted.

"Of course I am sure....what sort of person would I be if I was to let you leave university without fulfilling your potential" Amanda smiled at her choice of words

"...and you wouldn't be a charity case" she continued "You'd be helping me so much both with the housework and with my design work...I'm sure you wouldn't mind helping me in the evenings by modelling some of the outfits I am designing....you can even keep the clothes once I've photographed them....you'll need outfits if we are going to be going to parties together"

She had baited the trap sufficiently now to set things in motion

"Yeah, my spare room will need redecorating but let's do this....come back to mine now and I'll arrange for your stuff to be packed up and moved"

She looked down at the beautiful girl looking up at her with a tear soaked face....so delicious, a picture of cute vulnerability. Amanda was hugely turned on by this seduction.


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